Engineering business

- We enthusiastically take on the challenge of product development for our customers. -


Design, manufacture, sale, installation and operation of Miwa Econo-System, an energy-saving control panel built by HEARTECH-MIWA
Material Handling
Solutions Department
Straight line freezer equipment
Spiral freezer equipment
Tempering equipment
Batch freezer equipment
Brine chillers
Freezers, refrigerators and storage equipment
Air conditioning, air supply and exhaust equipment
Gas Compressor Service
Development and manufacture of gas compressors

Taking on challenges in the new field of “energy” – from energy saving, to heat and electricity

Always in the field of factories, HEARTECH-MIWA takes on the challenge of developing products that will benefit our customers. Our lineup ranges from energy-saving products developed through our knowhow and technological capabilities honed over many years of worksite experience to freezing/refrigeration system and products for gas turbine generators. We devote ourselves to the field of energy responsible for the next generation.

Reducing the electrical bills of factories

Original products containing all our technology, energy-saving automated control panels “MIWA ECONO-SYSTEM”

Compressors consume approximately 30% of the overall electricity in a factory. Saving the energy of compressors, which can be said to be the core of a factory, directly leads to the energy saving for the entire factory. This “MIWA ECONO-SYSTEM” is an ultimate energy-saving automated control panel that could not have been developed without the technology developed by HEARTECH-MIWA that has been working in the field of compressors over many years. We have delivered this product to more than 1,000 business facilities, and its groundbreaking “energy-saving capabilities” are highly evaluated not only in Japan but also in other countries.

Unique control features created through HEARTECH-MIWA’s robust craftsmanship

Our systems can be applied to a variety of air compressors of different manufacturers

They can also be applied to mixed use with turbo and reciprocating types. Optimum control can be achieved by freely combining the output and number of inverter machines and fixed speed machines.

Adopting groundbreaking energy-saving system

Support for freezing and refrigeration system through an integrated system, from design through to installation

We offer total support for efficient cooling equipment that utilizes screw refrigeration equipment made by Kobe Steel, Ltd., which is a pioneer in screw refrigeration equipment. We provide support in line with our customers’ needs, from design through to installation and maintenance. In addition to handling large volume cooling capacity, we use HEARTECH-MIWA’s unique technologies to provide cooling equipment systems that achieve revolutionary energy savings.

Functionality reliable even in an emergency

We provide gas compressor units for regular and emergency power generators in a way that makes full use of our knowhow in the field of compressors.

We offer a high-performance screw gas compressor system created through a joint development with Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, TOHO GAS and Japan Communication Technology for use in city gas co-generation systems. The system is a fuel gas compressor for use in thermoelectric supply systems and it was created by accumulating and applying oil-cooled compressor technology. In addition to being compact, the series allows the effective utilization of exhaust heat at the same time as generating electric power. In addition to city gas, it allows a variety of types of gas compression to be utilized as both air-cooling and water-cooling.